How to Read to Comments for a Research Paper

How to Read a Research Paper – A Guide to Setting Research Goals, Finding Papers to Read, and More

If you work in a scientific field, you should effort to build a deep and unbiased understanding of that field. This not only educates you in the best possible way but also helps you envision the opportunities in your space.

A enquiry paper is ofttimes the culmination of a broad range of deep and authentic practices surrounding a topic. When writing a research paper, the writer thinks critically about the problem, performs rigorous inquiry, evaluates their processes and sources, organizes their thoughts, and so writes. These genuinely-executed practices make for a adept research paper.

If yous're struggling to build a habit of reading papers (like I am) on a regular basis, I've tried to intermission down the whole procedure. I've talked to researchers in the field, read a bunch of papers and blogs from distinguished researchers, and jotted down some techniques that yous can follow.

Let'due south start off by understanding what a inquiry newspaper is and what it is Non!

What is a Research Paper?

A research paper is a dumbo and detailed manuscript that compiles a thorough understanding of a problem or topic. It offers a proposed solution and further research along with the conditions nether which it was deduced and carried out, the efficacy of the solution and the inquiry performed, and potential loopholes in the study.

A enquiry paper is written not only to provide an exceptional learning opportunity but also to pave the fashion for further advancements in the field. These papers assistance other scholars germinate the thought seed that can either lead to a new globe of ideas or an innovative method of solving a longstanding problem.

What Research Papers are Not

There is a mutual notion that a research newspaper is a well-informed summary of a problem or topic written by means of other sources.

But you lot shouldn't mistake it for a volume or an opinionated account of an individual's interpretation of a particular topic.

Why Should You Read Inquiry Papers?

What I observe fascinating virtually reading a adept inquiry paper is that you lot tin depict on a profound study of a topic and engage with the customs on a new perspective to understand what can be accomplished in and around that topic.

I piece of work at the intersection of instructional design and data science. Learning is part of my twenty-four hour period-to-mean solar day responsibilities. If the source of my didactics is flawed or inefficient, I'd neglect at my job in the long term. This applies to many other jobs in Science with a special focus on inquiry.

There are three of import reasons to read a research newspaper:

  1. Noesis — Understanding the trouble from the eyes of someone who has probably spent years solving it and has taken care of all the border cases that you might not recall of at the starting time.
  2. Exploration — Whether y'all have a pinpointed agenda or not, there is a very loftier take a chance that you volition stumble upon an edge case or a shortcoming that is worth following upwardly. With persistent efforts over a considerable amount of fourth dimension, y'all can acquire to employ that knowledge to brand a living.
  3. Research and review —1 of the chief reasons for writing a enquiry paper is to further the development in the field. Researchers read papers to review them for conferences or to exercise a literature survey of a new field. For example, Yann LeCun's paper on integrating domain constraints into backpropagation fix the foundation of modernistic computer vision dorsum in 1989. After decades of inquiry and development work, we accept come so far that we're now perfecting problems like object detection and optimizing autonomous vehicles.

Not only that, with the help of the internet, you can extrapolate all of these reasons or benefits onto multiple business models. It tin can be an innovative state-of-the-art product, an efficient service model, a content creator, or a dream job where yous are solving issues that affair to you.

Goals for Reading a Research Newspaper — What Should You Read About?

The first thing to do is to effigy out your motivation for reading the paper. There are two main scenarios that might lead you to read a newspaper:

  1. Scenario 1 —Y'all have a well-defined agenda/goal and you are securely invested in a particular field. For example, you're an NLP practitioner and you want to learn how GPT-four has given united states of america a breakthrough in NLP. This is e'er a nice scenario to be in as it offers clarity.
  2. Scenario two —You want to keep abreast of the developments in a host of areas, say how a new deep learning compages has helped united states solve a 50-twelvemonth onetime biological problem of understanding poly peptide structures. This is often the case for beginners or for people who consume their daily dose of news from inquiry papers (yes, they exist!).

If you're an inquisitive beginner with no starting point in mind, outset with scenario 2. Shortlist a few topics yous want to read nigh until you find an area that you find intriguing. This will eventually lead you to scenario 1.

ML Reproducibility Challenge

In improver to these generic goals, if you need an end goal for your habit-building exercise of reading research papers, yous should cheque out the ML reproducibility claiming.


You'll find top-class papers from globe-class conferences that are worth diving deep into and reproducing the results.

They comport this challenge twice a twelvemonth and they have ane coming up in Bound 2021. You should study the by three versions of the challenge, and I'll write a detailed post on what to expect, how to prepare, and and then on.

Now yous must exist wondering – how tin can you notice the right paper to read?

How to Find the Correct Paper to Read

In order to become some ideas around this, I reached out to my friend, Anurag Ghosh who is a researcher at Microsoft. Anurag has been working at the crossover of computer vision, machine learning, and systems technology.


Here are a few of his tips for getting started:

  • Always option an area you're interested in.
  • Read a few good books or detailed web log posts on that topic and start diving deep by reading the papers referenced in those resources.
  • Look for seminal papers around that topic. These are papers that report a major breakthrough in the field and offer a new method perspective with a huge potential for subsequent research in that field. Check out papers from the forenoon paper or CVF - test of fourth dimension laurels/Helmholtz prize (if you're interested in estimator vision).
  • Check out books like Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski and await for the papers referenced in that location.
  • Have and build a sense of customs. Observe people who share like interests, and join groups/subreddits/discord channels where such activities are promoted.

In improver to these invaluable tips, at that place are a number of web applications that I've shortlisted that help me narrow my search for the right papers to read:

  • r/MachineLearning — in that location are many researchers, practitioners, and engineers who share their work along with the papers they've found useful in achieving those results.
  • Arxiv Sanity Preserver — built past Andrej Karpathy to accelerate research. It is a repository of 142,846 papers from computer scientific discipline, machine learning, systems, AI, Stats, CV, and so on. It also offers a bunch of filters, powerful search functionality, and a word forum to make for a super useful research platform.
  • Google Research — the research teams at Google are working on problems that have an impact on our everyday lives. They share their publications for individuals and teams to learn from, contribute to, and expedite enquiry. They as well have a Google AI weblog that you lot can check out.

How to Read a Enquiry Paper

After y'all have stocked your to-read list, and so comes the procedure of reading these papers. Remember that Non every paper is useful to read and we demand a mechanism that can help us speedily screen papers that are worth reading.

To tackle this claiming, you lot tin can use this Three-Pass Approach by S. Keshav. This approach proposes that you read the paper in iii passes instead of starting from the beginning and diving in deep until the finish.

The three pass approach

  1. The first pass —is a quick scan to capture a high-level view of the paper. Read the title, abstract, and introduction carefully followed by the headings of the sections and subsections and lastly the conclusion. It should accept you no more than 5–10 mins to figure out if you desire to move to the second pass.
  2. The second laissez passer —is a more focused read without checking for the technical proofs. Yous accept downward all the crucial notes, underline the central points in the margins. Advisedly written report the figures, diagrams, and illustrations. Review the graphs, mark relevant unread references for further reading. This helps you understand the background of the newspaper.
  3. The third laissez passer —reaching this pass denotes that you lot've found a newspaper that you want to deeply understand or review. The central to the tertiary laissez passer is to reproduce the results of the paper. Cheque it for all the assumptions and jot down all the variations in your re-implementation and the original results. Brand a note of all the ideas for futurity assay. Information technology should take 5–six hours for beginners and 1–2 hours for experienced readers.

If you're sincere well-nigh reading research papers, your list of papers will soon grow into an overwhelming stack that is difficult to keep track of. Fortunately, we take software that can assist us fix a mechanism to manage our inquiry.

Hither are a bunch of them that you can employ:

  • Mendeley [non costless] — you can add papers directly to your library from your browser, import documents, generate references and citations, collaborate with fellow researchers, and access your library from anywhere. This is by and large used by experienced researchers.
  • Zotero [free & open source] —Along the same lines equally Mendeley but free of toll. Yous tin make use of all the features only with limited storage space.
  • Notion —this is great if yous are just starting out and want to utilise something lightweight with the pick to organize your papers, jot down notes, and manage everything in one workspace. It might not stand anywhere in comparing with the above tools only I personally feel comfortable using Notion and I take created this lath to keep track of my progress for at present that yous can indistinguishable:

⚠️ Symptoms of Reading a Enquiry Newspaper

Reading a research paper can turn out to exist frustrating, challenging, and time-consuming peculiarly when you're a beginner. You might face the following common symptoms:

  • You might start feeling dumb for non agreement a thing a paper says.
  • Finding yourself pushing as well hard to empathise the math backside those proofs.
  • Beating your head against the wall to wrap it around the number of acronyms used in the newspaper. Merely kidding, you'll have to look upwards those acronyms every now then.
  • Beingness stuck on one paragraph for more than than an hour.

Here's a complete list of emotions that you might undergo as explained by Adam Ruben in this article.

Key Takeaways

We should be all ready to swoop right in. Hither's a quick summary of what we have covered hither:

  • A research paper is an in-depth study that offers an detailed caption of a topic or problem along with the research process, proofs, explained results, and ideas for future work.
  • Read research papers to develop a deep understanding of a topic/problem. And then y'all tin can either review papers as part of being a researcher, explore the domain and the kind of problems to build a solution or startup around information technology, or you can merely read them to proceed beside of the developments in your domain of involvement.
  • If you lot're a beginner, start with exploration to presently observe your path to goal-oriented research.
  • In society to detect proficient papers to read, y'all can use websites like arxiv-sanity, google research, and subreddits like r/MachineLearning.
  • Reading approach — Use the three-pass method to discover a paper.
  • Keep track of your research, notes, developments by using tools like Zotero/Notion.
  • This can become overwhelming in no fourth dimension. Make sure you start off easy and increase your load progressively.

Remember: Art is not a single method or step done over a weekend merely a process of accomplishing remarkable results over time.

You lot can too watch the video on this topic on my YouTube channel:

Feel free to respond to this blog or comment on the video if you lot have some tips, questions, or thoughts!

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