The National Review English Newspaper Leopold Maxse Zionists

British author and Jacobite, 1865–1940

Herbert Vivian

Portrait of Herbert Vivian in 1905

Herbert Vivian in 1905

Built-in (1865-04-03)3 Apr 1865
Died 18 April 1940(1940-04-18) (aged 75)
Nationality English
Occupation Journalist, author
Known for Neo-Jacobite Revival
Partner(s) Maud Mary Simpson (1893–1896)
Olive Walton (1897 – c. 1927)
Herbert Vivian's signature, 1890

Herbert Vivian (three April 1865 – 18 April 1940) was an English language announcer, author and paper owner, who befriended Lord Randolph Churchill, Charles Russell, Leopold Maxse and others in the 1880s. He campaigned for Irish Home Rule and was private secretarial assistant to Wilfrid Blunt, poet and writer, who stood in the 1888 Deptford by-election. Vivian's writings caused a rift between Oscar Wilde and James NcNeil Whistler. In the 1890s, Vivian was a leader of the Neo-Jacobite Revival, a monarchist movement bully to restore a Stuart to the British throne and supercede the parliamentary arrangement. Earlier the First World War he was friends with Winston Churchill and was the commencement announcer to interview him. Vivian lost as Liberal candidate for Deptford in 1906. As an extreme monarchist throughout his life, he became in the 1920s a supporter of fascism. His several books included the novel The Greenish Bay Tree with William Henry Wilkins. He was a noted Serbophile; his writings on the Balkans remain influential.

Early life and education [edit]

Herbert Vivian was built-in on 3 April 1865 in Chichester, the but son of the Reverend Francis Henry and Margaret Vivian.[one] [two] He was baptised past his begetter on xi May 1865 at the town'due south Church of St Peter the Neat.[3] He had a sister, Margaret Cordelia Vivian.[2] His grandpa John Vivian was the Liberal MP for Truro,[iv] and endemic Pencalenick Business firm in St Cloudless, Cornwall;[2] Herbert recalled shooting his first rabbit there as a child.[5] He e'er glossed over his gramps's political function, for case, writing: "None of my immediate relatives have ever troubled their heads in politics..." in his newspaper The Whirlwind.[6]

Herbert studied at Harrow Schoolhouse from 1879 until 1883.[1] When he was 14, he was introduced to an quondam friend of his father'due south, Thomas Hughes, the writer of Tom Brownish's School Days. The coming together had a strong impact on the young Vivian, who wrote nearly information technology later in his memoirs.[seven] In 1881, his grandfather introduced him to Thomas Bayley Potter, the Fellow member of Parliament for Rochdale.[half dozen] Potter was impressed past Vivian and often took him into Parliament during his holidays. At that place Vivian met many of the MPs and was particularly impressed past Charles Warton, the MP for Bridport.[8] Potter also introduced him to Lord Randolph Churchill, who inspired Vivian to have up Tory democracy. Vivian exchanged letters with Lord Randolph during his school days and connected to correspond with him for many years later.[9] Vivian later became friends with his son, Winston Churchill.[10] [xi]

Vivian studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating in 1886 with a degree in history and subsequently beingness promoted to a Master of Arts.[1] In his educatee years, Vivian and his friend Edward Goulding were the President and Vice-President respectively of the Academy Carlton Club and invited Lord Randolph to go its President. Never shy of using his connections, Vivian dropped Churchill's proper name to conform a meeting in Vevey with Nubar Pasha, the first Prime number Minister of Egypt. After spending several hours discussing politics with Pasha, he returned to London and reported his conversation to Churchill. Churchill introduced Vivian to Charles Russell, who afterwards became Baron Russell of Killowen and the Lord Master Justice of England, and the 2 became friends.[12] Around 1882, Vivian attended a lecture given by Oscar Wilde at which James NcNeil Whistler was also present and which Vivian would later write about (run across Oscar Wilde).[13]

At Cambridge, Vivian struck upwardly friendships with students who went on to be prominent politicians and businessmen. Austen Chamberlain was involved in Cambridge Union politics when Vivian arrived and the two bonded over a shared interest in Radicalism. He was a close friend of Leopold Maxse — subsequently editor of the National Review. Another friend was Ernest Debenham, who went on to lead the family business organisation Debenhams to great commercial success. Vivian recalled Debenham overdosing on hashish during experiments in Buddhism at Cambridge.[14]

Individual secretary to Wilfrid Edgeless [edit]

Vivian and Chamberlain organised speaking events at the Union. In 1886,[xv] they invited the English language anti-imperialist writer and poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt to speak on the subject of Irish Home Rule, and Vivian and Blunt became friends.[16] Later on that yr, Vivian visited Blunt at his home, Crabbet Park, and took a position as his private secretary. Vivian spent most weekends at Crabbet during his final year of studies,[17] and connected to work for Blunt afterward he graduated. While then employed, he met influential politicians, as Blunt prepared to correspond Parliament, among them the Anglo-French historian Hilaire Belloc.[eighteen] Blunt was a cousin of Lord Alfred Douglas[19] and a friend of Oscar Wilde.[twenty]

In 1887 Blunt became more vociferously in favour of Irish Abode Rule. In November, Lord Randolph wrote to Vivian advising him to distance himself from Blunt, communication Vivian did not have.[21] At the time, Blunt was also developing interest in the Jacobite crusade[22] of restoring the House of Stuart to the British throne, which Vivian was to become a passion in his life.

In belatedly 1887, Vivian left the Conservative Political party and joined the Dwelling Rule Marriage betwixt the Liberal Political party and the Irish Parliamentary Party. At the end of the yr, he toured Ireland with the leading Irish gaelic political leader Michael Davitt and Bradford Cardinal MP George Shaw-Lefevre. Shortly subsequently Vivian returned from Ireland he met the leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party Charles Stewart Parnell so the MP for East Mayo, John Dillon.[23] In October 1887, Blunt gave a voice communication at a meeting in Woodford, Canton Galway protesting against mass evictions of tenant families.[24] The meeting had been banned by Arthur Balfour, the Chief Secretary for Ireland and Blunt was arrested, tried and imprisoned.[25] While Blunt served his sentence in Dublin, Vivian worked closely with William John Evelyn to promote Blunt in the Feb 1888 Deptford by-election, caused by Evelyn's resignation as the Conservative MP. Blunt lost by 275 votes.[26] Despite this, Edgeless and Vivian were approached in March 1888 by a committee from Parnell's Irish gaelic National League, asking Blunt to stand up equally their candidate for Deptford at the next general ballot,[27] but by the time the election was called in 1892, Blunt'due south enthusiasms had moved on.[28]

For a while, Vivian contributed to Evelyn's Abinger Monthly Record, a magazine he subsequently described equally "[in] part... really scurrilous attacks on the Vicar".[29] The Vicar was Rev. T. P. Hill, incumbent of Abinger, who had fallen out with Evelyn. The Record was also noted for a campaign against compulsory vaccinations and back up of Irish Dwelling Rule.[xxx]

Oscar Wilde [edit]

In the late 1880s, Vivian was a friend of Oscar Wilde; they dined together on several occasions. At one such dinner, Vivian claimed he witnessed a famous exchange betwixt Wilde and James NcNeill Whistler. Whistler said a bon mot that Wilde plant particularly witty, Wilde exclaimed that he wished that he had said information technology, and Whistler retorted, "You volition, Oscar, you lot will".[31]

In 1889, Vivian included this chestnut in an article, "The Reminiscences of a Curt Life", which appeared in The Sun and implied that Wilde had a habit of passing off other people's witticisms as his own, specially Whistler's. Wilde saw Vivian'due south article equally a scurrilous betrayal and it directly caused the break in friendship between Wilde and Whistler.[32] "The Reminiscences" also caused acrimony between Wilde and Vivian, Wilde accusing him of "the inaccuracy of an eavesdropper with the method of a blackmailer"[33] and banishing him from his circumvolve.[32] After the incident, Vivian and Whistler became friends, exchanging messages for many years.[34] [a]

Paper publishing and the Neo-Jacobite Revival [edit]

The title illustration of the first issue of The Whirlwind newspaper, edited by Herbert Vivian

The title illustration of the kickoff issue of The Cyclone

Portrait of Charles Bradlaugh by Walter Sickert from the first issue of The Whirlwind

Portrait of Charles Bradlaugh MP, by Walter Sickert, from the offset outcome of The Whirlwind

Members of the Legitimist Club laying wreaths at the equestrian statue of Charles I

Wreath laying at the statue of Charles I by The Legitimist Order in 1897

The late 1880s and 1890s brought a Neo-Jacobite Revival in Britain. In 1886, Bertram Ashburnham founded the Order of the White Rose, which embraced causes such as Irish gaelic, Cornish, Scottish and Welsh independence, Castilian and Italian legitimism, and particularly Jacobitism. Its members included Frederick Lee, Henry Jenner, Whistler, Robert Edward Francillon, Charles Augustus Howell, Stuart Richard Erskine and Vivian. It published a paper, The Royalist, from 1890 to 1903.[35] [ improve source needed ]

Vivian first met Erskine when they were at a journalism schoolhouse together.[36] In 1890, the two founded a weekly newspaper The Cyclone, A Lively and Eccentric Newspaper with Vivian as editor,[37] noted for including illustrations by artists, including Whistler[38] [39] and Walter Sickert. Sickert was also its fine art critic,[xl] and wrote a weekly column.[41] It carried articles on Oscar Wilde[42] at the tiptop of his fame and notoriety. The paper espoused an individualist, Jacobite political view, championed by Erskine and Vivian.[43] 1 notable Sickert illustration for The Whirlwind was a portrait of Charles Bradlaugh.[44] Bradlaugh also wrote an commodity on "practical individualism" for the paper.[45]

The Whirlwind was scourged by Victor Yarros for its anti-Semitic stance,[46] mainly espoused by Vivian in his editorials. In the 23 August 1890 edition, he wrote, "The Jews are a race rather than a religious body, and, similar the Chinese, are often obnoxious to their neighbours. By their fiscal arts and crafts they accept acquired a dangerously extensive power, not merely over individuals, but even over the policy of states.... The proper fashion to deal with Jews is a rigorous boycott... What should exist aimed at is a return of the whole Jewish race, as rapidly every bit may be, to Palestine... The countries of their adoption would assuredly have no difficulty in sparing them".[47]

Vivian used his editorship to promote as well an individualist philosophy for women, though he was against Women'south suffrage.[48] Other causes included the menace of London's tramways[49] and repeated attacks on the journalist and explorer Henry Morton Stanley and other figures of the age. He besides published a serial of autobiographical articles, Reminiscences of a Brusk Life, which afterward formed the basis of his 1923 memoirs, Myself Not Least, being the personal reminiscences of "X." [6] The paper went on hiatus in early on 1891, when Vivian stood for election, and did non restart publication.[50]

The Lodge of the White Rose separate in 1891. It had been a primarily cornball, artistic organisation,[51] just Vivian and Erskine wanted a more militant political agenda.[52] With Melville Henry Massue, styling himself the Marquis of Ruvigny, they founded a rival Legitimist Jacobite League of Bully Britain and Ireland,[53] [54] sometimes using the name White Rose League.[55] Its Key Executive Committee contained Walter Clifford Mellor, Vivian, George G. Fraser, Massue, Businesswoman Valdez of Valdez, Alfred John Rodway, and R. W. Fraser,[56] with Erskine as President. Pittock chosen the League a "publicist for Jacobitism on a scale unwitnessed since the Eighteenth Century".[57]

The League organised protests oftentimes centred on statues of Jacobite heroes. In belatedly 1892, they applied for government permission to lay wreaths at the statue of Charles I at Charing Cantankerous on the anniversary of his execution. This was denied by Prime Minister Gladstone and enforced by George Shaw-Lefevre, Vivian'due south one-fourth dimension travelling companion and now Get-go Commissioner of Works.[58] The League tried to lay the wreaths anyway on 30 January 1893. Police were sent to terminate this, but subsequently a confrontation, Vivian and other members were immune to complete their moved,[59] and then gaining significant printing coverage. The political reporter for the Lancashire Evening Postal service wrote, "Mr. Herbert Vivian has been successful at last in placing a wreath upon the Statue of Charles the Showtime.... We trust all parties will experience the amend for the functioning — especially the bronze statue".[60] An article in the Western Morning News said, "A bold and daring human being is Mr. Herbert Vivian, Jacobite and announcer.... He announces to all and sundry that, law or no law, he will... try to lay a wreath on the statue. I accept not heard whether special precautions have yet been taken to cope with this new force of disorder though, perhaps... i constable may be set apart to overawe Mr. Herbert Vivian".[61]

In June 1893 came a split betwixt Ruvigny and Vivian, with Vivian seeking to continue the League with support from Viscount Dupplin, Mellor and others.[62] Vivian left the Jacobite League in August 1893,[63] but connected to promote a strongly Jacobite political philosophy.

In 1892 and 1893, Vivian worked as a journalist for William Ernest Henley at the National Observer.[64] In 1894, he published The Greenish Bay Tree with a higher friend, the anti-immigrant[65] [66] writer William Henry Wilkins.[67] He too contributed to Wilkin's monthly periodical The Albermarle, which was co-edited by a mutual Cambridge friend, Hubert Crackanthorpe.[68] He spent the winter of 1894/1895 in France, where he discussed Jacobite and Carlist politics with the poet François Coppée and contemporary literature with the novelist Émile Zola.[69]

Vivian continued his political journalism after The Whirlwind closed. In 1895, he was editor of The White Cockade, a newspaper whose main purpose was to put forrard the Jacobite argument. It received poor reviews and no success. Vivian was described in the Bristol Mercury equally a "volatile immature gentleman [who] enjoys a European reputation in the spheres of politics and literature."[43]

Past 1897, Vivian was the President of the Legitimist Lodge, another Neo-Jacobite organisation.[70] In 1898, Vivian published letters he had exchanged with the Function of Works demanding that the Club be allowed to lay a wreath at the Statue of James Ii, Trafalgar Square on xvi September, the anniversary of James' death. Vivian'due south wreath-laying, tactics and use of the press to publicise his cause, remained the aforementioned.[58] Vivian remained president of the Social club until at least 1904.[71]

Writing career [edit]

A portrait of Herbert Vivian wearing a suit with white buttonhole, in 1904

After his divergence from the Jacobite League in 1893, Vivian became travel correspondent of Arthur Pearson's newspaper Pearson'southward Weekly.[72] In February 1896, he launched and edited a new weekly chosen Give and Take,[73] which was noted for offering its readers coupons for "a selected set of tradesmen".[74]

In 1898, Vivian returned to being a travel journalist, first for the Morning Post (1898–1899) and then for Pearson's newly-founded Daily Express (1899–1900).[75] In 1901 and 1902, he produced a magazine chosen The Rambler with Richard Le Gallienne,[76] intended as a revival of Samuel Johnson's periodical of the same proper name.[77] Subsequently the plow of the 20th century, Vivian wrote several novels, some anonymously or using pseudonyms, which met mixed reviews. The Chief Sinner was seen by The Publisher's Circular every bit "unpleasant only clever",[78] and in The Literary Earth as having a "style... jerky and overladen with adjectives", just nonetheless "a readable book".[79]

Of Vivian's several travel books, the best-known was Servia: The Poor Man's Paradise (1897), which was widely quoted in newspapers, including The New York Times,[80] the Morn Mail [81] and Pearson'southward Weekly.[82]

In 1901, Vivian wrote with his wife Olive a volume on European religious rituals, described in the Sheffield Independent every bit "well written, curious and readable, and marred merely by a singularly fatuous give up to whatsoever form of superstition however grovelling".[83] In 1902, Vivian interviewed the French novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans.[84]

The frontispiece of Herbert Vivian's book The Servian Tragedy, published in 1904

Frontispiece of Herbert Vivian's volume The Servian Tragedy, published in 1904

In 1903, Vivian returned to the subject of Serbia in "The Servian Graphic symbol" for the English Illustrated Mag.[85] He followed this with a second piece of work, The Servian Tragedy: With Some Impressions of Macedonia (1904), detailing the coup d'état against the Serbian royal family unit. This was reviewed in the Sheffield Daily Telegraph: "The author has a thorough personal knowledge of the country, was received in audience past the late Rex and Queen, and is personally acquainted with all the statesmen. The Belgrade catastrophe is minutely described from total particulars obtained outset mitt."[86] Information technology was reviewed less positively in the London Daily News: "Mr. Herbert Vivian'southward new volume... presents many interesting chapters on the events leading up to the recent tragedy, but tin can inappreciably be looked upon as an authoritative history. The matter is sparse, the author does non quote his authorities; and he is likewise evidently willing to accept hearsay in place of evidence."[87]

Vivian, as a friend of Winston Churchill, met him several times in the 1900s, seeking political gossip and advice.[88] In 1905 Vivian published the first interview given by Churchill,[89] published in The Pall Mall Mag,[ninety] which received attention in the press.[91] Vivian too interviewed David Lloyd George, the President of the Board of Merchandise, for The Pall Mall Magazine [92] and wrote for The Fortnightly Review.[93] [b]

In 1904, Vivian made a political speech containing pointed remarks virtually George Bernard Shaw. Shaw and Vivian exchanged letters on the matter, which Vivian and then published, to Shaw's chagrin:

The publication of my alphabetic character to Mr. Vivian was a slice of humourous cruelty in which I had no part. I honestly gave Mr. Vivian the best advice I could in his own involvement in a letter obviously non intended for publication; and if he had acted quietly upon it, instead of sending it off to the papers... he might yet have a chance at a seat in the side by side Parliament.... I shall not pretend to exist sorry that I have helped Mr. Bowerman, the accredited Labour candidate, to disable an opponent who, if he had played his cards skilfully, might have proved very unsafe... Yours, G. Bernard Shaw[94]

Vivian continued his cracking interest in the Balkan states. In 1907, he joined a plot to put Prince Arthur of Connaught on the throne of Serbia. A year later, the Montenegro government considered appointing him its Honorary Consul in London,[95] and Vivian wrote to his friend Winston Churchill, asking for an exequatur for his engagement.[96]

In 1908, Vivian proposed a gambling "system" for roulette published in The Evening Standard. His organization relied on the gambler'southward fallacy and it was debunked by Sir Hiram Maxim in the Literary Digest in October 1908.[97]

The frontispiece of Herbert Vivian's book Italy at War, published in 1917

Frontispiece of Herbert Vivian'south book Italian republic at State of war, published in 1917

Vivian continued to publish books in the Starting time World War, notably a 1917 volume, Italy at State of war, which despite its championship was largely a travelogue.[98] He tried to join the Ministry of Information and met both Lord Beaverbrook and John Buchan every bit part of his efforts, but his services were rejected, although Buchan admitted to Jacobite sympathies during their coming together.[99] Vivian instead returned to the Daily Express as travel contributor for 1918.[100]

In the 1920s Vivian worked as a travel stringer for newspapers that included The Pall Mall Mag [101] and The Yorkshire Post.[102] In 1927, he wrote Hush-hush Societies Quondam and New, which received mixed reviews, The Spectator calling information technology "well-written and extremely readable",[103] merely Albert Mackey noting, "The author does not possess sufficient noesis for his chore."[104]

In 1932, Vivian returned to European political history and legitimism with The Life of the Emperor Charles of Austria,[105] the first biography of Charles published in English. It was positively received in the Belfast News Alphabetic character.[106] He continued to write on the Balkans, with an article in The English Review in 1933 on racial tensions in Yugoslavia.[107]

Vivian's writings were noted in his lifetime and after; he is listed in the 1926 edition of Who's Who in Literature,[108] and the 1967 New Century Handbook of English Literature.[109]

Political candidate [edit]

In 1889, Vivian sought to stand in the Dover by-election. He withdrew and later alleged that the Irish journalist and candidate for Galway Borough, T. P. O'Connor, had stepped in to foreclose his candidacy.[110]

In April 1891, Vivian announced he was standing in the East Bradford constituency for the Jacobite "Individualist Party", of which he was sole member.[111] By May 1891, Vivian was claiming to be the Labour candidate for the seat, though this was denied by the Bradford Merchandise and Labour Council.[112] During the campaign he was named as co-respondent in a divorce example (come across personal life) which was gleefully reported by the local press.[113] He duly lost the 1892 ballot to William Sproston Caine.[114]

In 1895, he stood for the North Huntingdonshire constituency on an explicitly Jacobite platform.[115] The seat was comfortably held by A.Eastward. Fellowes.[116]

Undeterred past failures, Vivian again sought ballot in the 20th century. He was interested in the Deptford constituency, where he had helped Wilfrid Blunt'due south campaign 15 years earlier. He began to campaign there at the cease of 1903 and spoke at a free merchandise meeting in December, reading letters of support he had received from Winston Churchill[117] and John Dickson-Poynder, MP for Chippenham.[118] Churchill joined the Liberal party in 1904 and Vivian followed him.[119] He was selected as a Liberal candidate to fight the 1906 election,[120] and Churchill spoke in his support at ii meetings.[121] [122] Vivian met serious opposition to his candidacy,[123] and received but 726 votes, losing heavily to the Labour Political party's C. Due west. Bowerman.[124]

In 1908, Vivian looked into standing as a candidate in the Stirling Burghs constituency after the death of the onetime Prime number Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman, who had held the seat for the Liberals.[125] Vivian again espoused legitimist views in support of restoring the House of Stuart.[126] In the end he did non stand up and the seat was won past Arthur Ponsonby.[127]

Fascist sympathies [edit]

In 1920, Vivian met Benito Mussolini and Gabriele D'Annunzio in Italy and became an admirer of fascism, notably Italian Fascism.[128] [129] In 1926, he wrote of his visits to Mussolini's Italian republic:

I find almost useful, instead of a passport, is a copy of the outset Fascist newspaper, for which I wrote an article in 1920... These fascist syndicates everywhere are not dissimilar the Soviets, and Fascism is very like Bolshevism in many ways. Except that one ways well, and the other not. Fascism is certainly succeeding... All the public services get similar clockwork, trains arrive to the tick.[130]

In May 1929, Vivian and Hugh George de Willmott Newman founded the Royalist International, a group with a stated aim of opposing the spread of Bolshevism and restoring the Italian monarchy, but with a clear pro-fascist agenda.[128] Vivian was General Secretary and editor of the league's publication, the Royalist International Herald.[1] Newman, 24 at the time, went on to be ordained a bishop in the Contained Cosmic church[131] and an archbishop in the Catholicate of the Due west,[132] and was involved in Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis.[133] In 1933, Vivian wrote:

Monarchy...[is] a more satisfactory class of authorities than the insidious poisons of a plutocracy [and] the distorted democracy of Parliaments... the earth'southward galloping consumption will not exist arrested until... Kings forget their ancient animosities to unite in a Royalist International uncontaminated and unhampered by the lying, cowardly, malignant Spirit of the Age.[134]

In 1936 came Vivian'southward Fascist Italia, in which he expressed admiration for the Italian fascist government.[135] It received a scathing review in the Nottingham Periodical: "A facile writer of travel guides... Herbert Vivian must be read as an amusement of a rather grim sort than every bit an education.... This is a book which demand non be taken too seriously, but which may exist worth reading with no more than attention than is given to works which claim, every bit this one does not, to be mainly fiction."[136] The Dundee Evening Telegraph review noted Vivian "writes with rapturous enthusiasm. Mussolini is to him a "saviour", who "restored order and glory and pride, cured his country in her calenture, create an regal future with traditions of ancient Rome"... Inasmuch equally information technology is a mouthpiece for crude propaganda, Mr. Vivian'due south book is regrettable."[137]

Political views [edit]

Vivian'south political views varied over his life, embracing at times one-nation Toryism, free-trade liberalism and open up fascism. Indeed, he often seemed more interested in the mechanisms of ability and power of persuasive political speech than in consistent policies or positions.

During a failed campaign for the 1891 Bradford East by-election he wrote:

I preach fanatically the gospel of individualism according to John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spencer. The first principle of this gospel is that everyone must be immune to do whatever he pleases so long equally his doing so does non interfere with the liberty of others to practise the same. I am a staunch complimentary trader, desiring the abolition of that expletive of civilization, the custom firm. I protest against all monopolies, whether exercised past un-wieldy State departments, or past grasping individuals, and I support the claims of all nationalities to the management of their own diplomacy.[138]

Some of his beliefs were consistent: he held racist views from early days:

We take already proclaimed ourselves to be hand in glove with a remote island of xanthous dwarfs; this policy will doubtless exist extended...for every fetish-worshipping vicious, for every murderous nigger, for every naked monster who tin can offer usa help in our full general conspiracy to obtain universal empire.

Editorial by Vivian, quoted to Edward Goulding by Winston Churchill[139]

He was noted for "extreme monarchist views" throughout his life,[140] [141] and became antagonistic to democracy. His 1933 Kings in Waiting – in which he wrote "Democracy, freedom, and prosperity had been the mirages that had attracted the nations to their shambles" – was noted for its passionate pro-Monarchist and anti-Democratic stance.[142]

He was a prominent British Serbophile and an early on proponent of a Greater Serbia that encompassed most of the territory of Macedonia.[143] [144]

Modernistic perceptions [edit]

Vivian'south books and manufactures on Serbia remain widely quoted in modern histories of the region.[145] [146] [147] [148] Slobodan Markovich, writing in 2000, describes Servia: A Poor Homo's Paradise' as a rather sympathetic account of the Serbian King Alexander and the Serbian Army.... Although biased, the book has an abundance of facts and confirms the extent to which British noesis on Serbia had accumulated in previous decades."[149] Markovich says that Vivian "amidst Britons who took part in the creation of the prototype of Serbia and the Balkans" was the "ane person [who] should exist given a special attention."[150] He also noted put Vivian and anthropologist Edith Durham "amid [the] prominent actors of the 'balkanisation' of the Nigh Eastward", who greatly influenced the British perception of the Balkans afterwards the First Earth War."[151]

In 2013, Servia: The Poor Man'due south Paradise was described by Radmila Pejic as "a major contribution to British travel writing well-nigh Serbia with its in-depth assay and rather objective portrayal of the country's political system, religious practices and economic situation."[152]

Although Vivian's Neo-Jacobite views are now largely forgotten, his 1893 wreath-laying earned him the epithet "political maverick" from Smith, who summed up the impact of the effect: "The matter enjoyed publicity out of all proportion to the latter-day significance of the Jacobite cause, which had long been finer extinct, simply as ane homo's crusade against an aspect of country bureaucracy, it acquired contemporary pregnant."[140]

Miller and Morelon call him a "monarchist British historian" and ascribe his interest in Emperor Charles of Austria to an uncritical adoration of kings.[141]

Personal life [edit]

Vivian at 27 was named every bit co-respondent in a divorce case. In 1891, he had met Henry Simpson and his married woman Maud Mary Simpson in Venice and become a frequent company to their dwelling. Henry Simpson was an artist and a friend of Whistler.[153] The Simpsons travelled on to Paris, where Mrs Simpson confessed that Vivian had proposed to her. The Simpsons then returned to London and Mrs Simpson left her husband and demanded a divorce, every bit she and Vivian were living together in Bognor Regis nether the assumed names of Mr and Mrs Selwyn.[154] The Simpsons' divorce came in December 1892,[155] one of merely 354 granted in England and Wales that year.[156] On 22 June 1893, Vivian married Simpson.[157] She pursued her ambition to become an actress and in 1895 she travelled to The netherlands, where she abandoned Vivian for a Mr Sundt of the Norwegian Legation in Amsterdam.[158] The wedlock ended in divorce in 1896.[159]

On thirty September 1897, Vivian married Olive Walton, daughter of Frederick Walton the inventor of linoleum.[160] [161] Herbert and Olive were well known on the London social scene in the years just after the First World State of war and occur in Anthony Powell's memoir Infants of the Bound as throwing a lavish lunch in honour of Aleister Crowley. Powell notes that their "marriage did not last long, but was still going at this period." Olive kept upwardly a lively correspondence with Powell's father for many years later the divorce.[162]

Vivian was made a Knight of the Royal Serbian Order of Takovo in 1902[75] and a Commander of the Royal Montenegrin Order of Danilo in 1910.[ane]

Herbert Vivian died on 18 April 1940 at Gunwalloe in Cornwall,[100] 17 miles (27 km) from his granddad'due south house in St Cloudless.

Works [edit]

The title page of the book "The Green Bay Tree" by W. H. Wilkins and Herbert Vivian

Title folio of The Dark-green Bay Tree by West. H. Wilkins and Herbert Vivian

  • Wilkins, W. H.; Vivian, Herbert (1894). The Green Bay Tree: a tale of to-twenty-four hours. London: Hutchinson & Co. OCLC 1045535913 – via Net Annal.
  • Vivian, Herbert (1895). Boconnoc: a romance of wild-oat-cake. London: Henry & co. OCLC 6987483.
  • — (1897). Servia: The Poor Man's Paradise. Longmans, Green and Company. OCLC 376686362.
  • — (1899). Tunisia: And the Modern Barbary Pirates. C. Arthur Pearson. OCLC 1085955007 – via Cyberspace Annal.
  • Walton Vivian, Olive; Vivian, Herbert (1901). The Romance of Faith. Longmans, Green and Co. OCLC 12798879 – via Cyberspace Archive.
  • Vivian, Herbert (1901a). Abyssinia: Through the Lion-land to the Court of the Lion of Judah. C.A. Pearson, Limited. OCLC 1165745 – via Cyberspace Archive.
  • — (1904). The Servian Tragedy: With Some Impressions of Macedonia. G. Richards. OCLC 12798766.
  • — (1911). Mysteries of Venice: Gleaned from the Diaries of a Doge. Herbert Jenkins. OCLC 810887906.
  • Crow, Jim (1912). The Book of Revelations of Jim Crow. London: J and J Bennett. (published under a pseudonym)[163]
  • Vivian, Herbert (1916). Buonaparte's Library at Elba. A. Moring. OCLC 79625607.
  • Rességuier, Roger Maria Hermann Bernhard; Vivien, Herbert (1917). Francis Joseph and his courtroom: from the memoirs of Count Roger de Rességuier. New York: John Lane. OCLC 1799109 – via Internet Annal.
  • Vivian, Herbert (1917). Italy at War. J.1000. Dent and Sons. OCLC 185660944 – via Cyberspace Archive.
  • — (1923). Myself not least, existence the personal reminiscences of "10.". New York: H. Holt and Company. OCLC 2288619416 – via Net Archive.
  • — (1926a). The Lamentations of a New Jeremiah: Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Old Translations Diligently Compared and Revised: Appointed to be Read Surreptitiously in Churches. London: Allen and Unwin. OCLC 5219076722.
  • — (1927a). Undercover Societies Old and New. London: Thornton Butterworth Limited. OCLC 885025933.
  • — (1932). The Life of the Emperor Charles of Austria. Grayson and Grayson. OCLC 10030055.
  • — (1933). Kings in Waiting. Hamish Hamilton. OCLC 12154498.
  • — (1936). Fascist Italy. A. Melrose, Limited. OCLC 14879326.

The following books are commonly attributed to Vivian,[164] [165] but at least one source gives Wilfrid Keppel Honnywill as the author.[166]

  • Vivian, Herbert (1901b). The Master Sinner. London: John Long. OCLC 24004744. (published anonymously)
  • Vivian, Herbert (1901c). The Curse of Eden. London: John Long. (published anonymously)

Notes [edit]

Footnotes [edit]

  1. ^ "My acquaintance with Whistler arose through a press criticism of Oscar Wilde from my pen, and soon ripened into a long intimacy."(Vivian 1925, p. 77)
  2. ^ "In the current number of the 'Fortnightly Review', there appears an article entitled 'Pretended Labour Parties' from the pen of Mr. Herbert Vivian, the Radical candidate for Deptford." (The Aberdare Leader 1906)

Citations [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e Who Was Who 2019.
  2. ^ a b c Play tricks-Davies 1910.
  3. ^ Baptism Record 1865.
  4. ^ Cornwall Advertiser 1870.
  5. ^ Vivian 1925, p. three.
  6. ^ a b c Vivian 1890.
  7. ^ Titley 2011.
  8. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. half dozen–seven.
  9. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. three–23.
  10. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 365.
  11. ^ Yorkshire Post 1906.
  12. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. 21–22.
  13. ^ Bristow & Mitchell 2015.
  14. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 30.
  15. ^ Vivian 1890, p. 123.
  16. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 16.
  17. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. 33–35.
  18. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. 37–38.
  19. ^ Douglas 1914.
  20. ^ Gilbert 1980.
  21. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. xl–41.
  22. ^ Pilz 2013.
  23. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 53.
  24. ^ O'Brien 1916, p. 81.
  25. ^ Rumens 2019.
  26. ^ Longford 2004.
  27. ^ The Tablet 1888.
  28. ^ Blunt 1923, p. 65.
  29. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 46.
  30. ^ Surrey History Centre 2019.
  31. ^ Raby 1997.
  32. ^ a b Ellmann 2013.
  33. ^ Spoo 2018.
  34. ^ Brewster 2019.
  35. ^ Coulombe 2017.
  36. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 87.
  37. ^ Metropolitan Museum of Art 2019.
  38. ^ Academy of Glasgow 2019.
  39. ^ Sutherland 2014.
  40. ^ Stephen Ongpin Fine Fine art 2019.
  41. ^ Robins 2003.
  42. ^ Workington Star 1890.
  43. ^ a b Bristol Mercury 1895.
  44. ^ Evening Herald (Dublin) 1892.
  45. ^ Northampton Mercury 1890.
  46. ^ Yarros 1890.
  47. ^ Vivian 1890, p. 133.
  48. ^ Vivian 1890, p. 34.
  49. ^ Vivian 1890, p. 37.
  50. ^ Yorkshire Evening Post 1891.
  51. ^ Fletcher 1987.
  52. ^ Pilz & Standlee 2016.
  53. ^ Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 1892.
  54. ^ Glasgow Herald 1891.
  55. ^ Belfry Hamlets Contained and East End Local Advertiser 1896.
  56. ^ Notes and Queries 1892.
  57. ^ Pittock 2014.
  58. ^ a b Flintshire Observer Mining Periodical and General Advertiser for the Counties of Flint Denbigh 1898.
  59. ^ The Athenaeum 1895.
  60. ^ Lancashire Evening Mail service 1893.
  61. ^ Western Morning News 1893.
  62. ^ Aberdeen Evening Express 1893.
  63. ^ Yorkshire Evening Post 1893.
  64. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 88.
  65. ^ Bain & Woolven 1979.
  66. ^ Kushner 2007.
  67. ^ Dictionary of National Biography 2019.
  68. ^ The Albemarle 1892.
  69. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. 165–169.
  70. ^ Leeds Times 1897.
  71. ^ The Bystander 1904.
  72. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. 89–90.
  73. ^ The People 1896.
  74. ^ Sketch: A Periodical of Art and Actuality 1896.
  75. ^ a b Addison et al. 1903.
  76. ^ The Sabbatum Review 1901.
  77. ^ Courtney 1915.
  78. ^ The Publishers Circular and Bookseller'south Record of British and Foreign Literature 1901.
  79. ^ The Literary Globe 1901.
  80. ^ The New York Times 1898.
  81. ^ Morning Post 1898.
  82. ^ Pearson's Weekly 1898.
  83. ^ Sheffield Independent 1901.
  84. ^ Vivian 1902.
  85. ^ Cheltenham Looker-On 1903.
  86. ^ Sheffield Daily Telegraph 1904.
  87. ^ London Daily News 1904.
  88. ^ Shelden 2014.
  89. ^ International Churchill Society 2009a.
  90. ^ International Churchill Society 2009b.
  91. ^ Stead 1905.
  92. ^ The North Wales Express 1905.
  93. ^ The Spectator 1905.
  94. ^ Vivian 1925, pp. 105–106.
  95. ^ Markovich 2000, p. 135.
  96. ^ Churchill Archive 2019.
  97. ^ Literary Digest 1908.
  98. ^ The Athaneum 1917.
  99. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 373.
  100. ^ a b Venn 2011.
  101. ^ Vivian 1920.
  102. ^ Vivian 1927b.
  103. ^ The Spectator 1928.
  104. ^ Mackey 2000.
  105. ^ Vivian 1932.
  106. ^ Belfast News Letter 1932.
  107. ^ Dundee Courier 1933.
  108. ^ Who'southward who in Literature 1926.
  109. ^ Barnhart 1967.
  110. ^ Leeds Times 1890.
  111. ^ Earth 1891.
  112. ^ Aberdeen Press and Journal 1891.
  113. ^ Bradford Daily Telegraph 1892.
  114. ^ Maccoby 2001.
  115. ^ The Sketch 1895.
  116. ^ Craig 1989.
  117. ^ Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 1903.
  118. ^ Swindon Advertiser and North Wilts Chronicle 1903.
  119. ^ Kentish Mercury 1904a.
  120. ^ Nottingham Journal 1906.
  121. ^ Woolwich Gazette 1905.
  122. ^ Daily Telegraph & Courier (London) 1905.
  123. ^ Kentish Mercury 1904b.
  124. ^ Aberdeen Printing and Journal 1906.
  125. ^ Northern Whig 1908.
  126. ^ Dundee Evening Telegraph 1908.
  127. ^ Craig 1974.
  128. ^ a b Webber 2015.
  129. ^ The Sphere 1922.
  130. ^ Vivian 1926b.
  131. ^ Melton 1978.
  132. ^ Lewis 2001.
  133. ^ Pearson 2007.
  134. ^ Vivian 1933.
  135. ^ Feldman 2013.
  136. ^ Nottingham Journal 1936.
  137. ^ Dundee Evening Telegraph 1936.
  138. ^ South Wales Echo 1891.
  139. ^ Vivian 1925, p. 348.
  140. ^ a b Smith 2017.
  141. ^ a b Miller & Morelon 2018.
  142. ^ Roberts 1933.
  143. ^ Bled & Terzić 2001.
  144. ^ Markovich 2000, pp. 135–136.
  145. ^ Evans 2008.
  146. ^ Markovich 2000.
  147. ^ Daskalov et al. 2017.
  148. ^ Michail 2011.
  149. ^ Markovich 2000, p. 32.
  150. ^ Markovich 2000, p. 130.
  151. ^ Markovich 2000, pp. 195–196.
  152. ^ Pejic 2013.
  153. ^ Henry Simpson, 1853-1921 2019.
  154. ^ Illustrated Law News 1892.
  155. ^ Royal Cornwall Gazette 1892.
  156. ^ Mitchell 1988.
  157. ^ Reynolds'south Newspaper 1896.
  158. ^ Evening Express 1896.
  159. ^ Birmingham Mail 1896.
  160. ^ Dundee Evening Telegraph 1897.
  161. ^ The Cambrian 1897.
  162. ^ Powell 1977.
  163. ^ The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 2018b.
  164. ^ Marsh 1906.
  165. ^ Halkett 1971.
  166. ^ The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 2018a.

Bibliography [edit]

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