Funny Text to Reatract Ex Gf

If you want to get your girlfriend back, you might want to use some covert text messages to win back your ex…

Now, I promise you that if you use these texts and strategies, you'll have a much better chance of getting back together with your girlfriend. Although, of course I can't guarantee it (I mean, if you attempted to murder her while you two were together, these text messages probably won't work out for you).

But …

The Rules

If you follow my advice to a tee here, you'll have the best chance possible of getting your ex girlfriend back. However, before I go into what text messages you can use to get your ex girlfriend back, I'm going to go through some rules before you actually try and communicate with your ex girlfriend in the first place.

First and foremost, if you haven't read my articleon how to get your ex back, you should probably head over there right now and read it quickly. It goes over some basic ground rules when it comes to getting your ex back.

Man not texting his ex girlfriend back properly

Don't do what this dude is doing.

1. Do Not Text Your Ex Right Away!

Yes, some people call this the "No Contact Period," but whatever you like to call it, it's very important that you do not talk to your ex girlfriend within 30 days of the breakup. If you have been trying to get in contact with your ex girlfriend, then stop immediately.

If you're wondering why you shouldn't be talking to your ex girlfriend right now, head over to my article called "No Contact: Should I Ignore My Ex?"   Hopefully it will give you better insight as to why you need to not text your ex yet.

So in other words, don't do what this person is doing here on the right:

2. Don't Beg, Plead, or Act Like a Wuss — Ever

To be honest, acting like a wuss, begging and pleading might actually be one of the reasons why she left you in the first place.This is one of the most unattractive things you can do as a man.

Women are not attracted to guys that are complete wusses. Women are attracted tostrong, alpha males.So if you've been showing that you miss her, that you need her, and that you still love her, you're actually conveying to your ex that you aren't an alpha.

Remember, people want what they can't have. If you're always available, always around, and always there to heal her problems, you won't appear attractive.

If you just want to be good friends with a girl then, fine, but creating sexual attraction is a completely different thing.

So when you do text her, you need to convey to her that you're an alpha male.

take the quiz

3. Don't Let It Get To You

A couple trying to figure things outThis is one of the most common problems when it comes to getting your ex back. Most of the time, if you've been freshly dumped, you'll go into a bit of a hole of depression.

While you can't control you emotions, you can't let the world know you're down in the dumps. You've got to be strong and convey to people that you're happy.I know, this sounds completely counter intuitive. You've probably been taught in movies that "if you show her enough love, she'll come running back to you."

While this sounds great in the fantasy world Hollywood loves to portray, unfortunately, it doesn't work like that in real life at all. You've got to actually convey to her that you don't need her, and your text messages need to reflect that.

So now that I've told you whatnotto do, it's time to tell you what to do about these text messages.

After the no contact period has passed, you'll be given the green light to contact your ex girlfriend again via text. There are a number of texts that you can use for situations like this.

One of the text messages that I like to use is what I like to call:

The Good Reminder Text

Man sitting on a couch, textingThis is one of the first texts you should be sending your ex girlfriend. I call it the Good Reminder text.

Essentially, what you want to convey to your ex right now is that you are totally over her, but you are still thinking about her from time to time.

It is designed to make you look thoughtful, happy, and it makes it looks like as though your text message has a point to it.

Here are a couple examples of the "Good Reminder Text."

"Hey. Just was watching the Dallas Stars play the Vancouver Canucks tonight and your favourite player scored a goal! Made me think about how fun watching those games were!"

"Hey, Matthew Good Band is playing at the McPherson Playhouse next month! Thought you'd like to know because I remember how much you loved them! -D"

Get it? They're pretty innocent, right? Also notice a few things about this text. I use a few exclamation marks here and there. This is really important. Exclamation marks convey happiness.

The Feel Good Text

Person in blue checkered shirt, textingThe Feel Good text is my secret sauce.

You'll want to send this oneafteryou send The Good Reminder Text.

In this text message, you basically recollect a moment in your relationship that was extremely powerful and positive. Then, you'll want to remind your ex about that moment again. But you'll have to describe it fully and great deal in order to evoke a really big emotional response from your ex.

Here are a couple examples:

"Remember how good it felt when we saved that little cat from that tree? I just remembered how good that was holding your hand after we saved her. Hope all is well with you."

"I just remembered that time we were stuck in that rain storm at our parent's place, home alone, and how great it felt holding you in my arms in front of that fireplace. Hope things are great."

But listen, in this article, I only scratch the surface.

If you want to learn about the very best way to get your ex girlfriend to come back to you, and you want to use small, little text messages, then you have check out my good friend Michael Fiore's video. In it, he'll go over exactly what you need to do to get your ex back.

Brad Browning

Brad Browning is widely regarded as the world's most trusted breakup experts, boasting over 12 years of experience working with clients from around the world. Brad's #1 best-selling breakup reversal guide, The Ex Factor, has helped more than 130,000 people from 131 countries to re-unite with an ex. Brad is also the author of Mend The Marriage, a comprehensive self-help guide that teaches married couples how to save their dying marriage and prevent divorce. Brad's YouTube channel has over 400,000 subscribers and 50 million views, and he has been featured in a number of well-known media outlets and industry journals.


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